Wednesday 16 December 2015

Easiest way to lose those extra kilos

This wedding season everyone wants a slim and attractive figure. Everyone wishes to lose those unwanted kilos to fit inside their costly Lehenga's. So friends I'm here to share few weight lose tips which you would love. Follow them and get ready to flaunt yourself.

If you have at least a month in hand try the following tricks.

Disclaimer: Don't force yourself as weight lose is subjective so are its results. The following tips may not show its good results if the person is suffering from thyroid problem or if the person is under medication or antibiotics. Any healthy adult can follow it. Exercise should be done under experts guidance.


Make it a point to drink minimum 4 litters of water daily. It might prove to be difficult in the beginning but water has many benefits. It helps to face to glow, erases pimples and acne. And off course it makes you feel more filling and indirectly you tend to eat less. So it help to lose weight.


Lemon is a perfect detox. Squeezing lemon in glass full of water will not on cleanse you from within but also bring back the natural glow on your face. It helps cleansing the whole system. Drink the mixture everyday and see the difference. It will actually make you feel lighter.
You can just cut any of your favorite fruit like muskmelon, watermelon, or pomegranate and squeeze a slice of lemon and add water to it and refrigerate the mixture. Rest of the day you can just take few cubes and add more water to it... Perfect Detox!


Boiled veggies with pinch of salt and pepper power can act as you starters. No oil needed and hence good results! Experiment with veggies, try new everyday so that you wont get bored eating the same. If frying is the last option the try extra virgin olive oil.


Force yourself to stay away from soft drinks. The aerated drinks damages your system more the you think it would. If you occasionally drink alcohol try to have a glass less this time.


I know its difficult but whenever you tempt for a burger next time just remind yourself how much weight you have put on just because of it. Just imagine the slim figure of yours in a mirror and kill the curving. I m being too rude but that's the only way to do it right. The bye bye list includes every damn junk. No junk eating please!


Last thing you need to do is shed those kilos by working hard on you core muscles. Build the core strength. Stronger inside, makes you strongest outside. Start with 6 Suryanamaskars and gradually increase by adding 2 every after 1 week's practice. Crunches and stretches are must, try going for evening walks. Take up stairs each time.

So guys this is it for now. Meetup next time for more fun loving tips. Do it and let me know if you like it. Open for suggestions. Bye Bye. take care

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